Monday, September 30, 2013

Ten in the Bed

  I choose the book Ten in the Bed, this book shows that everyone needs friends. It also ties in math with a real world lesson. Throughout the book there is addition and subtraction. At the beginning of the book there are ten animals in the bed. The main character is a little boy who keeps telling the animals to roll over. Everytime he tells them to roll over one falls off. This happens until he is the only one in the bed. That illustrates subtraction. Then the boy is lonely because he is the only one still in the big bed, so he tells them all to come back onto the bed. So the boy is no longer cold and lonely. They all go back to bed and back to sleep. 
   This book can be used at the beginning of a math lesson as a mini lesson. It can introduce counting to children before it is taught. It could be used as a read aloud in morning meeting to get the students thinking. They can try to make predictions on what they think will happen through out the story. Do they think he will end up sleeping all by himself or will his friends come back to keep him company. I like this book because it can be used in different subjects. I like that it can be used as a mini lesson before math or a morning meeting book that can reinforce making predictions.

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