Monday, September 16, 2013

For my book talk, I chose "Chrysanthemum" by Kevin Henkes. This was one of my favorite books as a child; I used to read it all the time with my mom. In the story, there is a mouse named Chrysanthemum (after a flower). She loves her name until she is made fun of at school. Chrysanthemum struggles in school until her music teacher, Delphinium Twinkle, tells the class that she is named after a flower, too. This makes Chrysanthemum feel better, as she is no longer alone. All the other students become more accepting after learning this. Mrs. Twinkle even names her daughter Chrysanthemum.

When implementing this book in a classroom, it is a good way to talk about names and what they mean to us. The story is also a good tool to talk about what happens when you make fun of someone else. The story is a prime example of what makes a person unique and individual. It is also a good story for the first day of school because the book outlines Chrysanthemum's first day, as well as the days following. The story is easy enough for young children to follow, and it is a good resource for Elementary educators.

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