Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Wish that I had Duck Feet

I chose this book because everyone always wanted to change something about themselves, whether is was their hair or even if they had duck feet.  Throughout this book the little boy is wishing he had something that would make him special and would make everyone like him better.  First it was duck feet then it goes to deer antlers, whale spout, a long tail, and then an elephant trunk.  After he decides on one that he would want, he comes to the realization that if he had such a thing he would either not be allowed inside his own house or he would be put to work doing house hold chores, among other things.  At the end he decides that he would be all of the things he wished he had put together, and he would be called a Which-What-Who.  He soon thought better of that after he imagined himself being put away in a zoo.  In the end he wished nothing more than to just be himself, which was the best of all.
I would read this book to kids because it sends an important message to everyone at any age:  you don't need anything else to be one of a kind, being yourself is special already.  Since it is a Doctor Seuss book there is rhyming galore in it, so I would see if the kids would know what would be coming up at the end of the page.  I could also see if they could predict what would happen if he did have that elephant spout.  Would he be able to stay inside? There are also great illustrations in this book. The kids could come up with drawings for their own "I Wish that I had"  and then predict what would happen if they actually did have it.

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