Monday, November 11, 2013

Where Is the Green Sheep?

Author: Mem Fox
Illustrator: Judy Horacek

Where Is the Green Sheep? Is a story that shows a variety of sheep and where they are and then it asks but where is the green sheep? It shows different sheep such as blue sheep, swing sheep, thin sheep, wide sheep, and many other kinds of sheep. At the end of the story the book has you quickly flip the page and reveals green sheep fast asleep behind a green bush.

I think this book would be great to use in a kindergarten or first grade classroom for many different reasons. You could use this book for prediction and have your students guess where green sheep is before you read the story. The book also points out different attributes of the sheep like thin and wide or up and down. This could be used to help students in math with sorting and show them new ways different things can be sorted by. Last, this book could be used to start a writing/drawing assignment for on the back cover the book asks, If you were a green sheep, where would you hide? You could then have your students write and draw a picture of where they would hide and then have them share with the class.

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